Antonia T.
  • Spricht Französisch (B1), Deutsch (C2), Italienisch (Muttersprache), Englisch (C2), Spanisch (A2), Dänisch (A1)
  • 14 Einheiten unterrichtet

Antonia T.


Professionelle Lehrerin

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  • Beschreibung

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  • Fachgebiete


Sprachen zu unterrichten ist meine Leidenschaft und mein Beruf. Ich habe viele Jahre im Ausland verbracht, da ich Sprachen und reisen liebe und ich gerne neue Kulturen kennenlerne. Ich spreche sechs Sprachen und ich weiß, wie schwierig es sein kann, eine Sprache zu lernen. Mehrere Sprachen zu beherrschen ist sicherlich auch ein Vorteil beim Unterrichten!!

Ich habe einen Abschluss in Fremdsprachen und einen weiteren in Dolmetschen und Übersetzen. Ich habe über 15 Jahre Erfahrung im Unterrichten und ich liebe es.

Meine Lektionen basieren alle auf Kommunikation, was für mich ein wesentlicher Aspekt für alle Sprachkurse ist. In jeder Unterrichtseinheit wird viel geübt. Ich korrigiere die Grammatik und Aussprache durch viele Kommunikationsübungen!


Choose a time for your free first lesson

Mai 4–10, 2024

Mai 4–10, 2024
















  • 2001 — 2003

    University of Perugia

    Interpreting and Translation

    Diplom verifiziert

  • 1997 — 2001

    University of Fisciano, Salerno

    Foreign Language and Literature (English, German and French)

    Diplom verifiziert


  • Italienische Konversation

    Conversation classes are a great accompaniment to traditional textbooks and grammar books – they give you the chance to speak in Italian every day no matter where you live. We can also read a text on a specific topic and summarize it together.

  • Italienisch für Anfänger

    Students: A1 - A2

    Whether you’re learning Italian for the first time or want to top up your skills, become an expert speaker or simply experience the joy of learning, this is the right course for you. You’ll practise and see improvement in all areas of your Italian: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

  • CILS

    In this course I prepare students to pass the CILS exam, evaluate and improve the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) necessary for you to successfully pass these types of exams, consolidating your grammar knowledge required for each level.

    The CILS is a certificate issued by accredited centres or universities recognized by the Italian State that measures the level of linguistic-communicative knowledge of Italian. It is necessary for foreigners who wish to demonstrate their knowledge of the language in order to work or study.

  • Allgemeines Italienisch

    Students: A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 - C1 - C2

    Whether you’re learning Italian for the first time or want to top up your skills, become an expert speaker or simply experience the joy of learning, this is the right course for you. You’ll practise and see improvement in all areas of your Italian: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

    SPECIAL REQUESTS: If you have a special request regarding a specific topic you would like to cover during your lesson (a specific grammar or conversation topic) please make sure you book your lesson AT LEAST 24 HOURS in advance or let me know AT LEAST 24 HOURS before the lesson, so as to allow me enough time to prepare your lesson and materials. Otherwise I will choose the topic(s) for you, according to your level. Thank you!

  • CELI

    In this course I prepare students to pass the CILS exam, evaluate and improve the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) necessary for you to successfully pass these types of exams, consolidating your grammar knowledge required for each level.

    The CELI is a certificate issued by accredited centres or universities recognized by the Italian State that measures the level of linguistic-communicative knowledge of Italian. It is necessary for foreigners who wish to demonstrate their knowledge of the language in order to work or study.

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50-min. Einheit





50-min. Einheit